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Mars Whisky
Mars Whisky
Mars Komagatake Single Malt Japanese Whisky Limited Edition 2023 700ml 駒岳
This year’s release of Komagatake single malt leans into the lush and bright fruit indicative of the distillery’s house style. Complex, cohesive, and approachable, 2023 is a great year for enjoying single malt from Nagano.
Mars Whisky
Mars Iwai Tradition Aki Fall Wine Cask Japanese Whisky 750ml 岩井 秋
Thick and bright, this whisky sports autumnal colors and flavors. Spiced sugar cookies and light tobacco greet the nose. Slight wood tannin, red licorice, saltwater taffy, and clove blend in the oily texture.
Mars Whisky
Mars Maltage Cosmo Wine Cask Blended Malt Japanese Whisky 越百 750ml
This is a blended malt whisky released by Hombo Shuzo, which also has been further finished in red wine casks. Ruby red color, with the wine cask delivering a fruity and spicy palate along with pleasant lingering tannins on the finish.
Mars Whisky
Mars Komagatake IPA Cask Single Malt Japanese Whisky 2023 700ml
The Mars Komagatake IPA Cask Finish 2023 pairs exceptionally well with a variety of dishes. Its vibrant, fruity, and smoky profile complements grilled seafood, enhancing the flavors of the fish without overshadowing them.
Uncle Fossil Wine&Spirits
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