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Gujing Gong 20Yr 375ml 古井贡 年份原浆
Wrapped with a dragon, this sleek bottle is filled with a Baijiu crafted in the much-loved ‘strong-aroma’ style and aged in ceramic pots for 20 years. It was created using sorghum, rice, wheat, glutinous rice and corn, and water from the old well system.
Kweichow Moutai 贵州茅台
Moutai Prince Treasure (Twin Pack) 500ml X 2 茅台王子酒珍品两瓶装
The natural ingredients are enhanced by local pure water, ensuring clarity and purity in every drop. Advanced techniques of saccharification, fermentation, and distillation unlock the full potential of the grains.
Kanosuke Single Malt Japanese Whisky 700ml
Its golden amber hue and a bouquet of ripened citrus, honey, banana, lemon tea, and caramel. On the palate, it delights with a unique "sunset taste"—a harmony of ginger honey and subtly smoked nuts—capturing the warmth of a Japanese evening.
Uncle Fossil Wine&Spirits
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