Ryusei Garyo Tensei Bekkakuhin Junmai Daiginjo 龍勢 純米大吟釀 720ml

Article code 4981706010660
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  • Overview
  • Junmai Daiginjo is the highest grade of sake, the traditional rice wine that has become a strong symbol of Japan's beverage culture.
Brand Ryusei
Region Japan
Spirits Type Sake
Spirits Style
ABV 17%

Product details

Junmai Daiginjo is the highest grade of sake, the traditional rice wine that has become a strong symbol of Japan's beverage culture. A sophisticated and elegant sake, Junmai Daiginjo is produced in a light style with elevated aromatics and often reserved for special occasions. Akin to Daiginjo, it is produced with the highest grade of rice and is considered the pinnacle of the brewer's craft.  

Sake is classified according to the various elements involved in the production process. Prior to fermentation, rice grains are polished to remove the outer bran layer and expose the starch. To qualify as Junmai Daiginjo, sake must be made with rice polished to half of its original weight. The rice is then mixed with koji, the Japanese name for the fungus Aspergillus oryzae, which converts starch into sugar for fermentation. Post-fermentation, it is prohibited to fortify Junmai Daiginjo with distilled alcohol, a process reserved for Daiginjo, Ginjo and Honjozo sake.