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Kentucky Owl Mardi Gras XO Cask Rye Whiskey Limited Edition 750ml
Mardi Gras XO Cask Limited Edition is incredibly well balanced. The impact of the rum finish is prominent throughout, bringing an array of sweet notes into the mix that meld cohesively with the underlying rye foundation.
Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole "Dareringer" PX Sherry Cask Straight Bourbon American Whiskey 750ml
This super-premium Straight Bourbon Whiskey is carefully crafted by taking our fine wheated bourbon aged in alligator char barrels and resting it in handselected Pedro Ximenez Sherry casks from Spain’s renown Casknolia Cooperage.
Michter's US*1 Single Barrel Rye Whiskey 750ml
This drink is made from select American rye grain that is sheared to maximize the extraction of flavor from the grain. Ideal neat or in cocktails. Nut, mocha, and leather dominate the palate and nose. Begins light and semi-sweet, then turns drier.
Michter's US*1 Small Batch Sour Mash Whiskey 750ml
KY, USA- Distilled in small batches and in new American white oak barrels. Upon being named "Whisky Of The Year" for 2019 by The Whisky Exchange, it became the first whiskey made in the United States to ever achieve this honor.
Thomas H. Handy
Thomas H. Handy Sazerac Straight Rye Whiskey 63.1% Alc 2016 750ml
Thomas H Handy is the rye release in Buffalo Trace's Antique Collection. Sweeter and not as warming as the high strength would suggest, this is full of spicy flavors, along with toffee and honeyed raisins.
Heaven's Door
Heaven's Door Bootleg Series Rare Bourbon 2021 750ml
The 2021 release, Bootleg Volume III, features a 13-year-old Kentucky Bourbon finished in Vino de Naranja casks. Bottled at cask strength with a proof of 121.2, this whiskey has a subtle sweetness from its time in orange wine casks.
Uncle Fossil Wine&Spirits
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