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Kanosuke Single Malt Japanese Whisky 700ml
Its golden amber hue and a bouquet of ripened citrus, honey, banana, lemon tea, and caramel. On the palate, it delights with a unique "sunset taste"—a harmony of ginger honey and subtly smoked nuts—capturing the warmth of a Japanese evening.
The Hakushu Japanese Forest Bittersweet Edition Single Malt Whisky 700ml
Straight from the untouched forests, soft and crisp waters and mountains of the Southern Japanese Alps, the Hakushu Japanese Forest Bittersweet Edition is a luscious single malt Japanese whisky that will enliven your palate and liberate your senses.
Yamazaki 12Yr Single Malt Japanese Whisky 750ml 山崎
Yamazaki is Suntory’s flagship single malt whisky, from Japan’s first and oldest malt distillery. This 12 year old first came onto the market in 1984 and was the first seriously marketed Japanese single malt whisky.
Mars Whisky
Mars Komagatake Single Malt Japanese Whisky Limited Edition 2023 700ml 駒岳
This year’s release of Komagatake single malt leans into the lush and bright fruit indicative of the distillery’s house style. Complex, cohesive, and approachable, 2023 is a great year for enjoying single malt from Nagano.
Nikka From The Barrel Blended Japanese Whisky 750ml
The development of this expression started with an aim to deliver full flavors and richness of whisky like "from the barrel", which only blenders can sniff and taste. The secret behind its gorgeous flavor is the unique combination of complex blending.
the akkeshi
Akkeshi Distillery Hakuro Glistening White Dew Single Malt Whisky 700ml 厚岸
A harmonious symphony of flavors and aromas. On the nose, notes of campfire smoke intertwine with Japanese citrus, custard pudding, and marmalade, evoking a warm and inviting embrace. The palate is a vibrant dance of mandarin orange, ginger.
Ichiros Malt & Grain Blended Japanese Whisky 700ml 秩父白叶
"In Ichiro’s words “An all world whisky” the key malt is Ichiro’s Malt, with his selection of Scotch, Irish, Canadian and American Whiskey aged in country 3-5 years and aged on sight in Chichibu an additional 1-3 years.
Uncle Fossil Wine&Spirits
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