WuLiangYe Glass 375ml 五粮液水晶装

Article code 6901382003327
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  • Overview
  • Distilled out of five grains, uniquely characterized by lasting flavors and luscious tastes. Long fermentation in 600 year old cellars helps contribute to the sweet, full bodied taste and lingering finish.
Brand WuLiangYe
Region Sichua, China
Spirits Type Baijiu
Spirits Style
ABV 52%

Product details

Wuliangye (five-grain liquid) is the superior spirit that still follows the traditional production process, from fermentation in the aged cellars & years-long brewing to a final appropriate blending. The ancient production process, combined with modern techniques and with production in a unique natural eco-environment results in a top-quality brewed spirit.

Thanks to its special mingle of 5 different cereals: broomcorn, rice, glutinous rice, wheat, and corn, stirred by ” Baobaoqu” (a kind of saccharified yeast starter), the Wuliangye Liquor gets its strong aromatic and lasting flavor. The Wuliangye Company Group, also known as the ‘King of Chinese Liquor Industry’, is situated on the bank of the Minjiang River, north of Yibin City, Sichuan Province in South-West China. It is known as the “First Major City along the Yangtze River”.

五粮液集团位于中国西南四川省宜宾市北部岷江畔,素有“中国酒业大王”之称。 被誉为“长江第一大城市”。五粮液是上乘的白酒,仍然遵循传统的生产工艺,从陈窖发酵、长年酿造到最后的适当勾兑。古老的生产工艺与现代技术相结合,在得天独厚的自然生态环境下酿造而成,酿造出品质上乘的烈酒。


Wu Liang Ye Crystal Baijiu offers a captivating journey through China's rich baijiu culture with its complex flavor profile. It strikes an elegant balance between sweetness and warmth, delivering a smooth, enduring finish that lingers on the palate. This refined spirit pairs perfectly with bold, flavorful dishes, especially spicy or oily foods like Sichuan cuisine, enhancing both the taste of the food and the baijiu itself.


Wuliangye, a spirits-making tradition in Yibin, Sichuan Province, has a rich 3000-year history. The unique natural environment and production conditions, including crystal clear, sweet, and rich mineral water from an underground spring, contribute to its unique and valuable treasures.

Wuliangye baijiu production is based on a unique fermentation pit system made of low-acidity yellow mud fire clay, which contains various minerals. The process involves extracting the balanced essence of five grains: sorghum, rice, glutinous rice, wheat, and corn. Starter culture (BaobaoQu) is made of wheat and manually formed in bricks, maintaining humidity and attracting microorganisms. The fermentation process takes around 70 days, with layers of fermented grains taken out layer by layer to create a solid foundation for the next "layered distillation " process.

The layered distillation procedure ensures the original liquor flavor remains unique while enhancing the quality. Wuliangye also employs a unique 'Rotated fermentation' technique, rotating fermentation between different pits to balance bacteria and improve overall fermentation quality. Technicians may prolong fermentation by two rounds to increase fragrant substances.


五粮液白酒的生产采用独特的发酵窖系统,采用低酸度黄泥火粘土制成,其中含有多种矿物质。 该过程涉及提取五种谷物的平衡精华:高粱、大米、糯米、小麦和玉米。发酵剂(包包曲)由小麦制成,手工制成砖块,可保持湿度并吸引微生物。 整个发酵过程大约需要70天,一层一层的发酵粒被逐层取出,为下一步的“分层蒸馏”过程打下坚实的基础。

分层蒸馏工艺,在提高品质的同时,保证了原酒风味的独特性。 五粮液还采用了独特的“轮转发酵”技术,在不同的坑之间轮流发酵,以平衡细菌,提高整体发酵质量。 技术人员可以将发酵时间延长两轮,以增加香味物质。

China Vesper

4cl Wuliangye, 2cl Banana liquor

Put all ingredients in a mixing glass, with loads of ice, stir for 15 to 20 second and strain into a pre-chilled coupette glass. Garnish with dehydrated lime.


4厘升 五粮液,2厘升 香蕉酒
